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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Operation Flashpoint System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2004-08-17 11:54:44 Views : 29889 God mode At any menu, hold down left Shift and type -iwillbetheone. All missions At the main menu press Shift+Keypad Minus and type 'campaign'. End current mission During gameplay, pause and press Shift+Keypad Minus and type 'endmission'. Bonus level Successfully complete the game with the best ending. Allow the credits to complete and an intermission sequence will begin. Unlimited ammunition Simply reload before you run out of shots on one clip. Evac level Use the following tactic in the Evac level where you have to drive a truck. Go to this grid code to join the Guerillas Fia EA64. On the map there will be a code 113. Drive your truck there. An intermission sequence will appear, then the level will end. You will be a hostage for the Soviets. Stay in the tent on the next level until the Russian that is guarding you dies. Then, go outside and one of the guerrillas will talk to you. Cheats for demo version Start your mission and go until you get to the helicopter. Wait a few seconds and jump out of the helicopter. Jump out before they start screaming about the helicopter getting hit. You will become invincible until you go to the Target area and finish the level. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Operation Flashpoint cheat codes.
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